Saturday, October 23, 2021

Psalms 96 - Praise


“Oh, sing to the Lord a new song!” Psalm 96:1 (ESV)

Sometimes, at 81 years old I find it hard to sing – yes, my heart can sing, but the voice is not what it was and sometimes the jaw muscles spasm a bit. 

This Psalm says, “Sing to the Lord.“  

As I worship the one who rules and reigns over my world, I wonder if I can sing to Him a song that is NEW, a song that I have never sung before, a song that truly, newly expresses how much I adore Him?

“Oh, sing to the Lord a new song. Sing to the Lord all the earth.”

This earth does sing.  Sometimes the song seems to tell of creation’s lament - and even anger, at what mankind has brought into it.  But, created by God’s word, our universe does sing songs of praise, and if we listen with knowledge of the creator, we hear that song, beautiful and clear.

Do you hear that song this beautiful Autumn morning?  I do.  The leaves, dressed in Orange and Red and Yellow, sing “Look up! God is the God who made us, who made each one beautiful.”  Those leaves say, “GOD IS!  Praise to Him”  They sing  . 

Look up!
Lift up your head!
He’s still there.  Our God is not  dead. 

He claims!
He sustains! 

He ordains!
He reigns!

In all the earth, we praise His Name. 

It’s comforting and wonderful to know that God made the beauty of the seasons.  He made that beauty for the Fall of the year, the season when creation is getting ready for a winter’s rest.

God, Father, Creator, Savior, please help us to see!  Help us to see and to hear all creation shouting, singing beautiful praises to you. 

And please hear the song in my heart of praise and gratitude to you.

 Diane 2021

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