Monday, July 18, 2022

Just Sing


Thoughts from Psalm 84 - I wanted to make sure to put these thoughts down before some other thoughts climbed into my brain and covered it over.

Years ago, our church had a group of men who would entertain at some of the care centers around our town, and several of us would go along as “support”.   I was singing as well part of the time, so it was suggested that I sing one of the favorites.  After the song ended, one of the residents motioned me over to her chair, she whispered loudly in my ear, “Honey, next time you’d better just let the men sing.”

I’m sure you’ll understand how good that was for me to hear.  Truly, as I remember, I was a little hurt about it, but not for long.  God may have been giving me a good dose of humility medicine that day.  

But today, I need to relax and live in the truth that the God of the universe wants to hear from me.  That He actually listens to me.  Even when my words are just thoughts?  And amazingly He wants to hear my song - this voice, my voice!  

The psalm is telling of Israel’s desire to be in God’s house, His temple.  But not just to be there – to be there with one’s whole self.  As we all know, there are times when we only “listen with one ear.”  We don’t always concentrate on what is going on around us, but the word says, with my heart and flesh, my whole being cries out to God.  

"With my whole being, 
            I sing for joy to the living God."  Ps 84:2 (GNT).          

I love that – my whole being – So I will sing!

Today I will continue to sing of my Father’s love, His power, and presence (and patience.)  And just as importantly, I plan to listen to the voice of His Spirit as He whispers and shares from the Bible, the words I need to hear (with both ears.)

With my voice I will sing of your love
With my heart I will feel every word.
With my head bowed in reverence
I will kneel in your presence
In your presence my song will be heard.

I praise you my Father, God, and King.


Sunday, July 3, 2022

If God is God at all


I’ve been spending a little time in the Psalms lately – specifically the beautiful songs of ascents.   Yesterday Psalm 123 took me to God’s throne. 

The people of Israel sang this song as they looked up to the heavens, as they sang of the majesty of God.  The words of that song shouted to the world that God is the one who sits on the throne.  He is the one who is the “Lord.”  “Lord!  Master! Ruler! King!”

He is the ALL.

I asked myself, “do I truly believe that God - the God of the Bible – is the ALL. 

I ask myself – “Do I ask for mercy when I have trials and struggles, or do I demand an answer?”  That brings me to a question about my relationship with the Almighty God.  Who is God, and who am I?

Recently Ron and I have been reading Eugene Peterson’s book, “A long obedience in the same direction.”

He talks about going to God in prayer, and how God understands our needs.  Something that was so impactive to me were Peterson’s statements containing these words.  

If God is God at all, He must know more about our needs than we do.   If God is God at all, He must be more in touch with the reality of our thoughts, our emotions, and our bodies than we are, if God is God at all, He must have a more comprehensive grasp of the interrelations in our families, and communities, and
nations than we do.”

That statement included most of the things that we worry about.  We worry about our needs, our emotions, our health, and our relationships.  We cry out for God’s help and for His mercy.

But if God is God, He knows, and is rich in mercy for us.

John 14:27 (NASB)  Peace I leave you, My peace I give you; not as the world gives, do I give to you.

Eph 3: 30-21 (NIV)  Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,  to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Do not let your hearts be troubled, God IS God.

To Rescue Me from Me

Today, I read some truly challenging words in a devotion book that my husband and I enjoy each morning.  The book is "New Morning Merci...