Sunday, May 19, 2024

Why, God?

How many times do we ask “Why” in our daily lives?  We see hate and crime.  We see a heartbreaking news headline.  We see a child mistreated.  We see disasters.  We see people pushing grocery carts in the street, and we ask “Why?”

Why, God?  Why do you not “fix” it all?  Why, God?  Why do you not make life easier?  Why God?  Why?

Do you listen for the answer?  Or do you prefer to question in a tone that sounds like you’re telling God that He’s not measuring up to your expectations?

My husband and I just finished reading the book of Job in the Bible.  Job was really facing a heartbreaking, painful time, and he and his “friends” all questioned why.  The friends seemed to think they knew the answer, but God didn’t see it that way at all.

I sometimes like to think that, if I ask God, He will straighten me out – straighten it all out - straighten the world out.  But God knows me, He knows what I need.  He knows what the world needs and much of the time the answer is not rescue from the hardships.  

Many times, the hardships are what we need to drive us in the direction of His arms.  But dear friends, your hardships may not be sent to drive just you in that direction; instead they may be used to drive others to the arms of our Father.  You, my friend, may have a major role to play in bringing others to the knowledge of God’s love through your own pain and hardships.

If I ask “Why” when skies are black and clouds spill tears

If I ask “Why” infirmities grow constant with the years

If I ask “Why” this world is up-side-down

If I ask “Why” I see not smiles, just frowns

If I ask “why” but don’t discern God’s presence in the pain,
I’ll never understand the answers
or know God’s power and majesty will reign.

To Rescue Me from Me

Today, I read some truly challenging words in a devotion book that my husband and I enjoy each morning.  The book is "New Morning Merci...