but God was!
in every generation.
Psalm 108:1-5
I wonder if David woke up with a smile on his face the morning he wrote these words.
He says, “My heart, O God, is steadfast.” David was full of confidence, trusting - maybe even feeling secure in God’s love and in his own relationship with God – the Almighty.
Next David makes a commitment to “sing and make music with all my soul.” In other words, when he sings, when he makes that music, he promises that it will come from his heart and deep in his soul. He speaks as if his musical instruments are almost alive. He says, “Awake harp and lyre. I will awaken the dawn.”
Maybe he said, harp and lyre help me praise. Help me make music so special that it will even make the sun come up over the horizon.
“I will praise you Lord among the nations. I will sing of you among the people.” David was convicting me that my own singing, my own life, my own writing should be all about praising God.
Telling people of His glory, His majesty, His might and His love - that’s praising Him. Praising Him is also telling God Himself that I love Him; telling Him that I know - I believe - that He is wonderful!
The word, “wonderful” is often used carelessly. But “a wonder” refers to something that is almost impossible to fathom - inexplicable. That’s the wonder that David felt about the God of the universe.
David talks about God’s love being higher than the heavens. He says, “Your faithfulness reaches to the sky.” David can’t describe in words something he can’t see, or hear, or feel. We’re like that as well. The most expansive word David seems to use for something beyond his comprehension is the heavens – the sky. So David says that God’s faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Isn’t it exciting to you that when we finally see God in all His splendor, majesty and might, we may even be able to describe Him?
When David praises God for His “faithfulness” it seems that is a word our current world doesn’t seem to understand.
Faithfulness - God IS faithful – committed and trustworthy. He will never let us down. He will never be torn away from his care for us. We can go our own way; God does allow us free will. But He never turns his back on us. He is always at the door, ready to say, “Welcome home child.” He is the Father. He is the Savior. He is the comforter. He is a very perfect faithful God.
David finally says in verse 5, “Be exalted O God above the heavens. Let your glory be over all the earth!” All the first portion of Psalm 108 leads us to this!
The dictionary definition of a pilgrimage is basically a journey. Sometimes it's a journey for personal growth and exploration that may or may not have a spiritual focus.
Or could it possibly be a pathway that leads to an encounter with God?
We are each on a Pilgrimage, on a journey through life. On this journey we can, if we choose, grow closer to the one who created and sustains all of life. God created us to glorify His name; To give Him glory; To let people know just how awesome He is.
“. . bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.” Isaiah 43:6b-7 (KJV)
Our journey continues. It doesn’t stop! We keep moving, even when we don't think we are. As long as we live, we’re on that journey.
On that journey we follow a pathway, a road, a trail. Life goes on and on and on. No matter how often you’d like to get off that pathway, sit down by the side of life and quit, or run ahead on the pathway to see what’s around the next corner. There is no way, you still go, step by step, by step. Sometimes you take those steps alone and sometimes you are carried.
When you were just a tiny baby the pathway was bright and noisy. But you didn’t have to worry about anything, those around you provided what was needed. You didn’t look ahead because you didn’t know anything but your own place on that pathway – the place was called NOW.
As you grew and took your first steps you learned just how hard that pathway was, you fell and weren't always picked up. You cried and weren’t always comforted. But during that time you still knew there was One who had watched over you from the day you were conceived. You fell asleep knowing that He would still watch over you. Truly, you knew it in your heart. You may not remember that, but God was there all the time. And as you grew you learned just who it was that carried and watched over you.
For you created my inmost being, you knit me together
in my mother’s womb.
When we are on the journey through life, we can rejoice or resist, grieve or grow, compare our path to our neighbor’s path, or be contented with the road we’re traveling on. We can take a detour around our ambitions, or stubbornly go our own way. We can walk with God and with other Christians or try to “go it alone.” We can try to circle back, speed up, slow down or even crumble. But we cannot stop! You are still on that journey. That sounds so tiring, doesn’t it?
But here’s the blessing. God has made us so that we can rest. We can sleep. Sleep is like the rest in the middle of a musical piece. It gives us a chance to breathe, and the rest gives the music an added dimension, an added atmosphere.
When I wake from my slumber I see in my window
a mantle of light
softly touching the morn.
When the black sky recedes
from my wakening sight,
and the sun’s mighty radiance erases the night,
I reach for my Savior. I call on His Name,
and the strength to go on
is reborn.
Today, I read some truly challenging words in a devotion book that my husband and I enjoy each morning. The book is "New Morning Merci...