Friday, January 17, 2025

Psalm 104

 Is winter a place - a dull, dim, cold place?  Can I open a door and walk into winter, or better yet, walk out of it? 

 How did this happen?  This morning I woke up and found myself in winter.  The sky was grey, hiding the sun that should have been there up above my world.

This winter place is quiet – not like the sunny days of spring, or of summer.  I find that sunshine and light are sound as well as sight.  They greet my ears and my heart, singing a beautiful bright tune – a song that’s easy to follow, easy to sing. 

So I question, “God, why did you create the seasons?  Why not always give us mostly sunshine and some cool breezes?”

But, today I read Psalm 104.  Oh!  This psalm is so beautiful! 

Many scholars believe David wrote this Psalm, but it doesn’t matter whose pen it came from.  It clutched at my heart and almost screamed these words, “Diane what makes you feel that you can complain about a few dull, drab wintery days, when you look at what our amazingly beautiful God did to make the amazing, beautiful world that you are part of?"  

The writer spoke of God making the clouds his chariot, riding on the wings of the wind and making the flaming fire His messengers.

It spoke of God’s created earth as if it were alive – fleeing from the sound of His thunder, water rising and moving to its appointed places, bound from going too far.  One verse mentions that the earth is satisfied with the fruit of God’s work.  The Psalm tells of all the animals, fish, and birds looking to God for their food in due season – filling them with good things.  I love that the Psalm even mentions a small part of this vast creation - the rock badgers – such unimpressive animals in the realm of large and fancy created things.  I read  “The high mountains are for the wild goats; the rocks are a refuge for the rock badgers.”

And of course he mentions the seasons.  “He made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its time for setting.  You make darkness and it is night…”  

So when I stop to think about the truth of God’s reason for seasons, it makes sense.  And it even gives me a warm feeling to know that He had a plan for the earth and for His created earthlings.  So I know that He has a plan for me – and you as well.

Ok, I think God gave me a bit to think about on this drab, dull winter day.

Love you all,


Friday, January 10, 2025

Book Review

 A look at “Joyfully Aging” A book by Richard Bimler.  

It’s been an interesting read – bogged down a little bit in the middle but certainly included some truly interesting and helpful information.  I understand that Mr. Bimler is a Lutheran Minister who, I was surprised to learn, may have been a Clergyman on staff at a church we attended in the Kansas City area many years ago.  

I will borrow a few of his thoughts as we go along, then you can decide whether you’d like to purchase this book, or to borrow mine.

Mr. Bimler discusses the importance of laughter for our physical health as well as emotional and mental health.  This book is full of little snippets to laugh about – as long as you’re willing to laugh at yourself.  

He also discusses the importance of community – not just sitting around having an “organ recital” with others our age but reaching out to those that can use our help, our smile, our concern.  That was one of the main challenges I felt he stressed in the book.

He has a chapter about taking care of our bodies, exercise, healthy eating, rest, etc.  I liked that he said about a healthy body not being the end-in-itself, but a means whereby we can serve others.  

Mr. Bimler also brings in some items that I really appreciate.  He quotes other authors who have wisdom to share – historical figures who have demonstrated the fact that age does not mean “dead.” And most importantly, he brings to light scriptures that talk about the subject.

All in all, it was a good read, and I would recommend it.

At this point, I’d like to discuss chapter 44.

This was a chapter called “Got Change?”  That one really made me think, although I truly enjoy some changes that I’ve encountered in my 85 (almost) years of life, I do not buy in to the present cultural worship of “change.”  

The following thoughts are mine, not Mr. Bimler’s.

A couple of my issues stem from the words I hear regarding things “old.”  As if there was nothing good about the past, no important lessons to be learned from history.  It seems to have been forgotten that ALL new technologies, inventions, etc. have a basis in the work done before by our ancestors.   

The words echo in my brain, “It’s new – so it’s good.”  “It’s exciting so we need it to give us joy and fulfillment.”  “It’s necessary” – for what? I ask.  “It hasn’t been tried before, so it needs to be tried.”

And then the words, “You wouldn’t understand how important this is.” or "There is no question, you really must acknowledge that change is good.”  

It’s as if, before the present technological age, there was no joy, no excitement, nothing to help us achieve what we need in life, and no information that could help us to be the blessings that this world needs.

Now I have to say, I’m writing this on my computer, having checked my sources on Wikipedia, making sure that spell check didn’t misunderstand my intent, sitting in a warm house with a cup of leftover, microwaved coffee by my side and ignoring the spam calls on my cellphone. So what does that say about my lack of buy-in to technology? 😊

Love you all,


Sunday, January 5, 2025

He Hears our Prayers

I recently heard a beautiful song by a trio of Christian women.  The message was about the presence of God in the life of a Christ follower.

The setting was a mountaintop.  The woman and the “Shepherd” were talking together.  I surmised that she was asking why God had allowed pain and loss to follow her in her life on earth and why God did not answer her prayers. 
“Why?  Why?” she would say. “I asked for …… and you didn’t answer.”

Do you ever question God like that?  I know I certainly have, and even now, it sometimes becomes my plea.  Oh, how I wish I could hear His reasons.  I wish I could see the future.  But when I do, I wonder if, while seeing the future, I would still ask the question, “Why?”

But sometimes these days, I’m grateful that the “why” is lost in the presence of opportunities to say, “Thank you.  Thank you, God, for not answering my prayer in the way I wanted.”  Thank you for protecting me from myself – from my short-sighted wishes.
I cry, “why?”  I cry “how?”  
I cry “God please fix it now!”
My prayers – they whine like howling wind, 
with what, and why, and where and how.

Living in this broken world seems more than I can bear.
I need your help, I need your voice, I need your love and care.
I’d fall without the sure conviction 
that you’re always standing there
to hold me close and listen as
I come to you in prayer.

Even though there are still pains and problems in this world, I choose to believe what the Scriptures tell me – God loves his children and wants the best for them.  

We read in the Bible - 
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1 (NIV)

If you, then, though you are evil,
know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your Father in heaven
give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:10 (NIV)

The Lord is my shepherd. . . He restores my soul. Psalm 23 (NIV)

The song ends with the shepherd pointing to the valley that this woman has just crossed.  He points out the path she walked – sometimes on her own, and sometimes with his help.  He points to the paths she wanted to take - the ones He prevented, 
and the times when she really couldn’t go on, so He carried her. 

Father please forgive me when I whine.
Please help me understand.
You know the trials that I can bear.
You hold me in your hand.

And He does.  God bless you dear friends.


To Rescue Me from Me

Today, I read some truly challenging words in a devotion book that my husband and I enjoy each morning.  The book is "New Morning Merci...