Is winter a place - a dull, dim, cold place? Can I open a door and walk into winter, or better yet, walk out of it?
How did this happen? This morning I woke up and found myself in winter. The sky was grey, hiding the sun that should have been there up above my world.
This winter place is quiet – not like the sunny days of spring, or of summer. I find that sunshine and light are sound as well as sight. They greet my ears and my heart, singing a beautiful bright tune – a song that’s easy to follow, easy to sing.
So I question, “God, why did you create the seasons? Why not always give us mostly sunshine and some cool breezes?”
But, today I read Psalm 104. Oh! This psalm is so beautiful!
Many scholars believe David wrote this Psalm, but it doesn’t matter whose pen it came from. It clutched at my heart and almost screamed these words, “Diane what makes you feel that you can complain about a few dull, drab wintery days, when you look at what our amazingly beautiful God did to make the amazing, beautiful world that you are part of?"
The writer spoke of God making the clouds his chariot, riding on the wings of the wind and making the flaming fire His messengers.
It spoke of God’s created earth as if it were alive – fleeing from the sound of His thunder, water rising and moving to its appointed places, bound from going too far. One verse mentions that the earth is satisfied with the fruit of God’s work. The Psalm tells of all the animals, fish, and birds looking to God for their food in due season – filling them with good things. I love that the Psalm even mentions a small part of this vast creation - the rock badgers – such unimpressive animals in the realm of large and fancy created things. I read “The high mountains are for the wild goats; the rocks are a refuge for the rock badgers.”
And of course he mentions the seasons. “He made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its time for setting. You make darkness and it is night…”
So when I stop to think about the truth of God’s reason for seasons, it makes sense. And it even gives me a warm feeling to know that He had a plan for the earth and for His created earthlings. So I know that He has a plan for me – and you as well.
Ok, I think God gave me a bit to think about on this drab, dull winter day.
Love you all,