Saturday, September 18, 2021

We Can Rest in Our Savior's Arms

Do you feel, as I do, that today more than ever, we yearn for those times when we have felt safe 
in the arms of our Savior and Friend.

We live in such a chaotic world that much of the time, we truly do need the rest and quiet, and healing that comes only within those arms.

Our world is noisy and confusing
so we look to find a resting place.
And sometimes in our pain or sorrow - we cry out, 
and reach out, to touch our Father’s face.

In the stillness of the night He hears me calling.
In the softness of the morn it's still the same.
But in the solitary places He is waiting
for my heart to call upon his name.

When I come into the lonely place of meeting
then, in His words, God’s love and grace I see.

When I say,
“please make your will be done in my life,”
comfort flows
from God’s great heart to me.

He’s there in our lonely places. He’s there in our busy places. He’s there in our solitary places. He’s there always, when we seek Him.

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