Tuesday, January 25, 2022

 Galatians 4:6 (NLT)

Because we are His Children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out“AbbaFather.”
We all need a Father.  We all need someone stronger and wiser than we are.  I was thinking today about that need in our world of sinfulness, selfishness and pain.  
Humans can certainly be hurt and they can hurt others, so we truly need a powerful, loving, kind Father.  
Then I got to thinking about God creating these humans.  

In the beginning there was God and He created everything good, even people.
The Bible tells us in Genesis 2:26-27 that God said,
"Let us make mankind in Our image, according to our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the livestock and over all the earth . . ." So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him , male and female He created them.  
 In His image - in God's image.  Unless we find out what God is like, that makes no sense at all.  What in me could possibly be like God, what in me could possibly  reflect His image?

Humans did not make the world.  
They are not all-powerful.  
We cannot calm the storm, heal the sick, or raise the dead. 

 So obviously, if I believe I'm created in His image, that's not what "in His image" means.

So let's think about Him.  Yes, God is powerful, but He is also gentle.  He put the desire for strength in us and also the feelings of gentleness.  The tenderness of a parent for a hurting child, and even tenderness and care when we see an animal in pain.

God is Holy.  He put in us the desire and ability to be holy.  Surely, we can't measure up to His holiness, but I believe most of us want to, try to, and can at least be "good."

God is love.  He put in us the ability to love, the ability to sacrifice our own wishes for others, to desire a closeness with Him and with other people.  

God is generous.  He has given everything possible to His children.  He gave life and suffered death for us.  And it doesn't take a lot to see generosity in people as well, as they give time and gifts to others.

This is such a short picture of God's image.  But I believe with all my heart that even people who do not claim Jesus as their Savior are still created in His image.
He did create us in a way that we might see His image in Jesus, and in people.  

So why even consider the idea of "made in His image?" 

Because I see such evil and pain in this world that I'm tempted to believe 
that's all there is.   And it's not.  
If we strive to see His Image in others, we will see just that.  

  And I need to open my eyes and see His image bearers,
and love them as He does.  

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