Thursday, November 3, 2022

There is a Light Behind Those Clouds

Clouds  - They might be ominous rolling black clouds, heavy, air-filling grey clouds, or small white ones that blot out just a little bit of the sun.  All of them can hover over our lives and make us uncomfortable, worried, sad, or angry.

I  am sometimes overwhelmed by the power of the pain, the loss, the worries that others face – and I  want to fix it!  I expect that's true for you as well.

We want to fix things, but mostly we can’t.  

When it’s me, and I hurt, or when it’s you, and I see you hurt, I want to do something.  When our daughter was very young, she would always say “Suzy do it” and stamp her foot. Sometimes I'm like that, but  most of the time I can't do anything about the hurt.

So what do I do?  I need to remember that I'm not seeing what is behind other people's clouds either.  I'm not seeing the sun that God is shining just beyond or above these dear people - not seeing the  sunshine, because often my focus in just on the cloud.  

I will continue to care.  I’ll continue to want to fix it, but I can’t do it alone and neither can anyone else.  Even with us all together, loving each other, helping each other, we can’t erase the clouds.


What if we were to take that pack of troubles, our troubles, and the things that trouble our loved ones, and each day, each minute, leave one piece in the care of God, our Father?  How would it be if we were to, each day, talk to Him about the pain and the worry, and leave one piece there in His hands.  

What then?  Maybe we would be able to peek around those clouds and see the sun, see the light.

Jesus is that light.

In John 8:12 Jesus said, I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in Me should remain in darkness.

We can rest.

In Deuteronomy 31:8 we read "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”


In the arms of the only one who CAN do all things

1 comment:

  1. The last few nights, I wake up and make my usual trip and then when I go back to bed, I can't go back to sleep. My mind picks one thing or one person and just keeps dwelling on a negative aspect of that one thought. I need to dwell on the one Who can do all things, my Jesus!


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