Saturday, January 28, 2023

Mercy Is!

 Micah 6:6-8 (NLT)
What can we bring to the Lord?
    Should we bring him burnt offerings?
Should we bow before God Most High
    with offerings of yearling calves?
Should we offer him thousands of rams
    and ten thousand rivers of olive oil?
Should we sacrifice our firstborn children
    to pay for our sins?

No, O people, 
the Lord has told you what is good,
    and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
    and to walk humbly with your God.

I recently spent some time wondering just how those scripture verses in Micah applied to Christ followers in our world.  
It seems that the word "Mercy" is used in different ways in the Scriptures, but one of the most moving to me is that "Mercy" seems to be connected with "God NOT doing something." 

The mercy of God is ultimately shown in His forgiveness - in God NOT punishing us for our sins, for the way we let him down, and the way we lack true obedience.  God doesn't punish his followers, his children, as they deserve - He forgives.  

God paid the price for our failures.  

The Latin word merced or merces - translated as Mercy, means "price paid." It has the connotation of forgiveness, benevolence and kindness. 

Mercy from God says that He acts gently and kindly towards his children.

So if we look at it that way, we see what this Mercy is.
It is God not giving us what we deserve. 
And that's a very humbling thought.  

In Micah 6, the people are being told that loving mercy is truly understanding our own sinfulness.  He says, "the Lord has told you what is good," stressing our dependence and station as created children of the God of the universe.  

The God of the Universe!  This is the one and only God who has so graciously forgiven, loved, and gifted us with his help and compassion.

How can we do anything other than walk humbly before Him?

We lay our sin-filled lives before you
with eyes downcast, almost afraid. 

We seek You Father, King, Creator,
dejected, daunted and dismayed.
We know you've promised not to leave us
even when from your path we've strayed.
We ask for Grace and Mercy from you,

And with a gentle touch you tell us 
My Child, my love, your debt is paid.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

How Deep The Father's Love For Us” is a timeless hymn from British songwriter and Christian worship leader, Stuart Townend.

This song seems like it must have been with us forever, but it was just  written in 1995.  Mr. Townend has written many songs used in Christian worship.  This one, however, stands out to me as more than a normal hymn: it's a sermon.  This song/sermon  tells us the real truth about God and His love, and it speaks of the price that He paid for our sins.  The words denote true worship, focusing on Him primarily, and focusing on us as recipients of God's love, His sacrifice, and His grace. You'll want to click on the link below to hear the words.

The song tells of the sacrifice of God's only Son as proof of His great love for mankind.

I can't quote the entire song here, but the words create in me deep feelings of regret and sadness for the pain my sin has to have caused our Father, but they also inspire feelings of tremendous gratitude for this sacrifice.  

The lyrics end with that sacrifice.

"His wounds have paid my ransom."

We can continue to thank God for the ministry of this writer and pray that God will continue blessing us with the thoughts and music that come from Mr. Townend's heart.

Next week I'll be talking about sacrifice - I wonder what thoughts will show up in my scripture reading time.  God has so much to tell us.


Thursday, January 12, 2023

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27 (NIV)

Right now I'm wondering about the God who is so powerful that He can control the stars, the sun, the wind and the water.  Why would He ever want to come down to my level and care for me.  

Why would the God who created the world, bend down and breathe life into His created man?  It seems so strange that God would bend down from the heights of heaven for someone so small and so helpless as man.

Soon I'll be spending time studying with a group of ladies, the lessons by Beth Moore, called "Chasing Vines."

I cheated and began reading the student book.  The first pages I read brought thoughts of God's work in creating mankind.  He made man out of the dust of the ground - out of dirt.  That's a picture that hadn't come to mind for me in the past.  "Out of Dirt."  

Thinking of the value of dirt in growing living things, I'd be interested to know what picture that brings to your mind.

But for now - 

We're told of the God who is King of the earth.
and we picture His majesty, power and worth.
We speak of His glory, 
We're awed by the sight.
We speak of His infinite knowledge and might.


Over all things He's master.
Over all things He reigns.
He's Lord of the universe and all it contains.


That God of the universe made you and me.
And in order to know Him, His love I must see.
Not only the majesty, power and worth,
But His care and compassion for the children on earth.

"How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings." Psalm 36:7  (NIV)

He is so good.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

  Happy New year 2023.

I didn't think I'd make it to 2023.  Years ago I thought 2010 might be stretching it.  But dear friend, we did, and I truly  don't want to miss what God has ahead for me, for all of us - and yet, sometimes I fear it.  Don't you?

Sometimes I feel more than a tiny bit afraid of what this year will bring, but the word I hear within my fear is - TRUST!

I heard the song again this morning,  "Trust His heart." sung by Cynthia Clawson.  You can find it on YouTube.  It really says what I wish for all of us.  "When you can't see His hand, trust His heart."

Can you do that, can you trust God's heart?  I believe you can - and I can.  He's proven time and again that He is powerful, He's just, and He's good and loving enough to be trusted.

When you sit on a chair, you may believe it will hold you.  
when you reach for the Savior, 
you know His arms will enfold you.

When you're tired of the day, with its sin on display,
When your thoughts circle round and the sleep is not found. 
Then there's only one way to end every day 
Only one word brings sleep on the way

Only one God

Trust Him.

To Rescue Me from Me

Today, I read some truly challenging words in a devotion book that my husband and I enjoy each morning.  The book is "New Morning Merci...