Tuesday, January 24, 2023

How Deep The Father's Love For Us” is a timeless hymn from British songwriter and Christian worship leader, Stuart Townend.

This song seems like it must have been with us forever, but it was just  written in 1995.  Mr. Townend has written many songs used in Christian worship.  This one, however, stands out to me as more than a normal hymn: it's a sermon.  This song/sermon  tells us the real truth about God and His love, and it speaks of the price that He paid for our sins.  The words denote true worship, focusing on Him primarily, and focusing on us as recipients of God's love, His sacrifice, and His grace. You'll want to click on the link below to hear the words.

The song tells of the sacrifice of God's only Son as proof of His great love for mankind.

I can't quote the entire song here, but the words create in me deep feelings of regret and sadness for the pain my sin has to have caused our Father, but they also inspire feelings of tremendous gratitude for this sacrifice.  

The lyrics end with that sacrifice.

"His wounds have paid my ransom."

We can continue to thank God for the ministry of this writer and pray that God will continue blessing us with the thoughts and music that come from Mr. Townend's heart.

Next week I'll be talking about sacrifice - I wonder what thoughts will show up in my scripture reading time.  God has so much to tell us.


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