Sunday, February 26, 2023

He's more than Power and Might

Through the tears of despair, 
and of sorrow and care 
that were clouding my eyes and my heart,
through the haze of my pain, or when worry would reign,
a glimmer of hope seemed to start.

As I look around I see 
a towering mountain’s majesty, 
completely overwhelming me. 

 Tumbling clouds and breezes rise
to wipe my sad and tortured eyes.

And I listen. 
Then I hear
God’s thunder. 
the music is like clapping hands,
drumbeats at my Lord's command. 

Amidst the din 
a flash of fire,
a white-hot spear hurled from on high. 
Assurance that our master’s hand   
holds strength and power at His command.

God’s might and majesty I see,
they could undo or frighten me. 

But He had more to show this child, 
His tender care, love undefiled.

Upon a tree, amidst the storm I see in God’s design
a mother’s wings surround her chick. 
Protection – 
wall of downy love,
a picture of our God above.

And in this place of wind and rain
protection lives within the pain.

Protecting care for little things 
is what our God has planned.
For God is more than storms and power.
He’s “love” with outstretched hand.

Seeing now the world He formed 
with love and care, 
and strength and might, 
with beauty, and with awesome light,
there’s healing in my broken soul.
Creator’s voice has made it whole. 

Because these awesome pictures show 
what my heart should always know.

My God is in control!

Monday, February 13, 2023

Valentines Day

Cards, hearts, flowers, candy, and martyrdom.

I thought I'd write a lighthearted post on Valentine's day.  But when I started looking into the history of it, I found, not a beautiful, pleasant picture, but confused stories giving several accounts of a saint named Valentine.  

Some accounts tell us that St. Valentine was a Roman priest and a physician.  He is supposed to have been killed during the persecution of Christians by the emperor Claudius II in about the year 270.  There are other "Valentines" that people have named as the person to whom February 14 is connected.  At least one of those men was supposed to have been martyred as well.

For myself, I prefer not to dwell on the martyrdom, or to think of the "cards, hearts, flowers, and candy."  I prefer to dwell on the fact of love - not just romantic love as the holiday has evolved into, but the love of our God.  

The only reason there is real love in this world is that God himself IS love.  It is so cool that the creator of this world IS what His creation needs.  

God showed His love to me today
in fluffy clouds and new mown hay,
in mountain's towering peaks that rise
from gentle plains, to ice blue skies.

Flowers shouting loud and clear - 
their colors bright with dew drop's tear,
and tall green trees that wave, and sway
in summer breeze - they boldly say,
"God's showing love to you today."

Cold clear streams that leap and roar 
and soothe a throat that's dry and sore --
in all these things my heart can say
"God's showing love to me today."

In gentle hands that help and bear
and tears that come from hearts that care,
in family's love and loyalty
God shows his mighty Love to me.

In words that come from deep within
the loving heart of a dear friend,
a pat, a hug, a tender touch
that says, "I love you, oh so much."

We see in each amazing way 
God show HIS awesome love each day

"This is love: not that we loved God, 
but that he loved us 
and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."
1 John 4:10 (NIV)


In the garden God created a man and a woman.
In the garden He made them 
man and woman,
not boy and girl.

No baby steps here - fully grown - fully made - Yes!

Genesis 1:31 "God saw all that He had made, and it was very good."

It was very good indeed.

And yet, the woman and man fell for the lies of the devil.  They fell for the twisted words, the enticing fruit, they fell for the dream of being like God - knowing everything.   

They were grown, but being grown does not always equate to being wise, or mature.

In the Bible, 1 Timothy 4:12, Paul is writing to a young leader.  He uses the words, "Don't let anyone despise your youth..."  We can make much of this, saying that age has nothing to do with a person's ability to understand and teach the Word of God.

I agree.  Age does not, but for the most part, maturity does.  And as Paul continues the sentance, he says "set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love and in purity."  Those actions are cultivated over the years of one's life - hopefully.  

There is always a "but," because we also learn from those we want to learn from - children as well. 

Jesus specifically brought children to Himself.  He said that the Kingdom of God is like them - like those innocent and trusting children.

A flower begins as a seed, and then a bud, it becomes more and more beautiful as it ages, so a follower of Christ can become.  As a Christ Follower is warmed by the Son of God, fed by the Holy Spirit and watered by the Word, she will become beautiful and healthy.  That person will be a blessing to others.  She will give healthy food and a beautiful aroma to those she touches.

My prayer as I age is that I will "smell good" to those around me.

Love Diane

To Rescue Me from Me

Today, I read some truly challenging words in a devotion book that my husband and I enjoy each morning.  The book is "New Morning Merci...