Sunday, February 26, 2023

He's more than Power and Might

Through the tears of despair, 
and of sorrow and care 
that were clouding my eyes and my heart,
through the haze of my pain, or when worry would reign,
a glimmer of hope seemed to start.

As I look around I see 
a towering mountain’s majesty, 
completely overwhelming me. 

 Tumbling clouds and breezes rise
to wipe my sad and tortured eyes.

And I listen. 
Then I hear
God’s thunder. 
the music is like clapping hands,
drumbeats at my Lord's command. 

Amidst the din 
a flash of fire,
a white-hot spear hurled from on high. 
Assurance that our master’s hand   
holds strength and power at His command.

God’s might and majesty I see,
they could undo or frighten me. 

But He had more to show this child, 
His tender care, love undefiled.

Upon a tree, amidst the storm I see in God’s design
a mother’s wings surround her chick. 
Protection – 
wall of downy love,
a picture of our God above.

And in this place of wind and rain
protection lives within the pain.

Protecting care for little things 
is what our God has planned.
For God is more than storms and power.
He’s “love” with outstretched hand.

Seeing now the world He formed 
with love and care, 
and strength and might, 
with beauty, and with awesome light,
there’s healing in my broken soul.
Creator’s voice has made it whole. 

Because these awesome pictures show 
what my heart should always know.

My God is in control!

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