Monday, April 24, 2023

Nothing is too hard for God


Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm.

Nothing is too hard for you. 

Jeremiah 32:17


Do you believe this, “Nothing is too hard for God?”  As a Christ follower I believe those  words of the prophet Jeremiah.   And since I can see this beautiful world created by God’s power, I can also believe that nothing is too hard for Him.  When I consider the vast universe and the intricate flower, the mighty mountains and the surging oceans, I do believe. 

However, I’m afraid that sometimes, although I believe that “nothing is too hard for God,” I don’t always go to Him when things are really hard for me.  I tend to think that He wouldn’t be interested in my problems.  I sometimes forget to remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 11. 

“Come unto me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls. “   

Maybe I have an exaggerated idea of what I’m capable of handling on my own. 

Or could it be that I don’t ask for His help because I think that if God were to answer, it wouldn’t be the answer that I want?  Could it be that I don’t want to depend too heavily on anyone outside myself?  Or could it be that, in the past, I’ve felt that He didn’t hear my prayer or even care? 

But sometimes, I just forget to ask.  Sometimes the “everydays” get my attention, rather than my relationship with the ONE who is truly all I need.  Whatever the reasons, not taking my problems to God doesn’t make them go away or even help me to get through the trials I face. 

So today I hope you’ll join me in taking your needs to the God that Jeremiah knew, the
Sovereign Lord, who has made the heavens and the earth by His great power and outstretched arm. 

And I hope we can all say and believe those words.

Sovereign Lord

“Nothing is too hard for you.”

Jeremiah 32:17

Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Lamb Slain and Victorious

We’re walking now that path from Calvary,
following with hearts and eyes cast down.
We see the body of our Savior.
We see them lay Him in the ground.


in this picture of the Lamb slain
amidst the holy bloodstain,
and God-forsaken breaking-heart pain,
we still believe 
He’ll live forever, victorious
over evil, sin and Satan’s reign.


We’re waiting now to hear the story,
We watch and mourn the spotless Lamb slain.
There's no body resting in the chamber.
Is it true that Jesus is alive again?


in the picture of the Lamb slain
amidst the purest bloodstain,
God-forsaken breaking-heart pain,
we still believe
He’ll live forever, victorious,
defeating evil, sin and Satan’s reign.


We're walking now that path from Calvary
following the pure white Lamb.
In hindsight, we now know the story –
the conquest by the great I AM.

But we can’t forget

the picture of the Lamb slain
amidst the purest holy bloodstain,
the God-forsaken breaking-heart pain,
although we know He’ll live forever,
victorious over evil, sin and Satan’s reign

Sunday, April 2, 2023

A Difficult Saying for Holy Week

It's a hard saying today. 

It's a difficult condemnation and a picture of the price our Savior paid to bring mankind back to God.

"What will you have me do with Jesus?"
Pontius Pilot asked that day.
"What will you have me do with him?
I find no earthly fault in him.
    What would you have me do with Jesus?"

The crowd cried out.
What words they shout.
They wanted blood.

"Then this is what I'll do with Jesus"
Pontius Pilot said that day,
as he washed his hands before the crowd.
"I'm innocent of this man's blood.
    Now you do what you want with Jesus."

The crowd cried out.
What hate they shout.
They wanted death.

"Are you not a friend of Jesus."
the woman at the fire said?
"Didn't you come in with him?
Haven't you taught and preached with him?
    Are you not a friend of Jesus?"

Peter cried out
with heavy heart.
"I know him not"

Will you walk today with Jesus?
Will you greet Him on your way?
Will you deny your love for him,
and wash your hands in front of him?
Will you choose to serve our Lord today?

    What will you do with Jesus?

If we know Him not
If we serve Him not
If we love Him not

To Rescue Me from Me

Today, I read some truly challenging words in a devotion book that my husband and I enjoy each morning.  The book is "New Morning Merci...