Sunday, April 2, 2023

A Difficult Saying for Holy Week

It's a hard saying today. 

It's a difficult condemnation and a picture of the price our Savior paid to bring mankind back to God.

"What will you have me do with Jesus?"
Pontius Pilot asked that day.
"What will you have me do with him?
I find no earthly fault in him.
    What would you have me do with Jesus?"

The crowd cried out.
What words they shout.
They wanted blood.

"Then this is what I'll do with Jesus"
Pontius Pilot said that day,
as he washed his hands before the crowd.
"I'm innocent of this man's blood.
    Now you do what you want with Jesus."

The crowd cried out.
What hate they shout.
They wanted death.

"Are you not a friend of Jesus."
the woman at the fire said?
"Didn't you come in with him?
Haven't you taught and preached with him?
    Are you not a friend of Jesus?"

Peter cried out
with heavy heart.
"I know him not"

Will you walk today with Jesus?
Will you greet Him on your way?
Will you deny your love for him,
and wash your hands in front of him?
Will you choose to serve our Lord today?

    What will you do with Jesus?

If we know Him not
If we serve Him not
If we love Him not


  1. What will I do with Jesus? He saved me, how can I do anything less than love Him and claim Him as my Savior? dh

  2. The one that stings the most is Peter's denial - it was such a human response. We were bought with His blood and He gave it all so that we may be included in the book of life.


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