Saturday, July 29, 2023

Psalm 113:3

From the rising of the sun to its setting, The LORD’s name is to be praised. Psalm 113:3 (ESV) 

This is so beautiful!  God is so good!  The first thing on my lips in the morning should be words of praise.  Not necessarily praise for the morning, or praise for life, but I think it should be

the One who gives us the morning, and the life.

Oh my Father, God in heaven, may my heart burst with thoughts of your goodness, your glory, your majesty, and your love this, and every morning.

As I leave the dreams that walk the night
and my foggy brain greets morning’s light.
I must remember not to fear, for you my God, are with me here.
I can’t,
I must not disregard You 
as you walk this road beside me.

I can’t,
I must not start my day 
without your steady arm to guide me.

I can’t,
I must no longer sleep, and dream   
in dread uncertainty.
Because my Father, God of wisdom
You walk
the road before me.
Because my Father, God of hope
You know
what worries plague me.
Because my Father, Majesty,
Unexplainable God,
Ruler of the world,
Savior and friend,
You are eternally King,
 forever the same.

I can’t, I must not start the day 
unless I pause to praise You, 
to rise to walk and praise your 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Diane! I needed to be reminded of this.


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