Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Blessing

 My Father God, I pray 

With strong arms hold my fragile life when strength has slipped away.
My Mighty one, My God, My help,
I need your strength today. 

With eyes that see what I cannot, show me your holy way.
My Shepherd, help me know the path
you’d have me take today. 

The world gives way beneath my feet 
slipping sands of sin abound.
I need You, my Rock, to stand upon. 
You are my solid ground. 

Almighty God 
The only God
The giver, giving free
The only gift that I desire
Is your love that blesses me.

Dear friends,  I recently read in Genesis 49 the account of Jacob blessing his sons.  It goes like this - 

Jacob called for his sons and said: “Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come.

Assemble and listen, sons of Jacob;
    listen to your father, Israel."

Jacob went on to tell each of his sons what would come to them in their lives.  Jacob knew each of these men.  He knew their personalities and their strengths and their weaknesses.  

Most of Jacob’s sons fell far short of goodness, but he had a special word for Joseph.  

He predicted that Joseph’s life would not be free of trials – with physical attacks and hostility.  But Jacob saw where Joseph’s strength would come from.  He said, 

“Joseph is a fruitful vine,
    a fruitful vine near a spring,
    whose branches climb over a wall. 
 With bitterness archers attacked him;
    they shot at him with hostility.
 But his bow remained steady,
    his strong arms stayed limber,

because of the hand of The Mighty One of Jacob,
    because of The Shepherd, The Rock of Israel,
 because of your father’s God, who helps you,
    because of The Almighty, who blesses you
with blessings of the skies above,
    blessings of the deep springs below,”

Do you ever wonder if you had been given this information, how you would have reacted?

I am certain that my father would not have been able to tell what my life would be, and neither would yours, no matter how well he knew you.  But our heavenly Father does know, and sometimes I'm surprised that He is so patient with me as I stumble through this life.

The most exciting words I read in this chapter in Genesis are the descriptions of our God and the fact that Jacob said Joseph would remain strong 
because of 

The Mighty one – with muscles to give him strength.
The Shepherd – giving guidance and care.
The Rock – a solid and steadfast place to stand.
The Almighty – the giver of every blessing.

Friends, this blessing from Jacob to Joseph is amazing.  We know that the Savior, the Messiah, the promised King, Jesus, would come through the line of a different brother (Judah) but even with that, Jacob knew that God would bless Joseph.  

God has His hand on each of HIS children, and He will bless those who follow Him.  

He’ll give each of us His strong arm, His guidance and care, a firm place to stand, and blessing from His hand.

We just need to watch and see.

1 comment:

  1. Diane I love your blogs. Thank you so much for the wisdom you give us. Linda


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