Friday, January 12, 2024

He Cares

 Dear ones, 

We’ve heard so many requests for prayer recently, from hurting, broken people.  Sometimes it feels as if there is no reason to praise God.  But the Bible makes it clear that there truly is a reason to praise the God who IS and will always BE.  This little poem speaks of pain and praise.  I pray that it will comfort and encourage you, that you may be assured that the mighty, caring, perfect God loves you dearly.

Sing praise from a heart that is broken.
Sing praise as we honor God's name.
Sing with your voice and your mind and your soul.
Sing praise to our God in your pain.

As tears stain your pillow, rejoice in His care.
When pain lives in your body, clouding your sight,
and worries abound and your sleep doesn’t come,
sing praise to the God of the night.

The earth cries in anguish, bearing sin’s dire strain.
Since the rebellion of man, darkness falls like the rain.
When thorns tear through tendons and weeds become strong,
when earth becomes hardened, and toil causes pain,
when love becomes selfish and right becomes wrong,

God still promises

A new day will dawn, and the old world will fade.
With trumpets of joy, the King will come in.
The thorns will be kind and the trees will bring shade.
God’s sun will shine through, and God’s kingdom will win.

Glory to God in the heavens!
Glory and power and might!
Glory to Him who designed all creation.
Glory to the Jesus – the Light.

Sing praise to the Father Almighty!
Sing praise to the Son, who defeated sin’s power.
Sing praise when we hear Him, the Spirit of life.
Sing praise in each restless hour.

Rest!  He Cares.


  1. Sing praises! A new day will come! But I need your help!

  2. Thank you, Diane! Love, Kim

  3. Singing praise in response to blessings seems not so difficult, but why do we overlook doing just that too often. Singing praise during the troubling events is a bit more challenging - thanks fir the gentle reminder. God wastes nothing and we can benefit from even the ugliest situations, if we remain steadfast in our faith and trust in Him.

  4. I so no enjoyed: He Cares!
    It was just what I needed!!


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