Saturday, March 23, 2024

It's Almost Time

It's almost time!  Easter is just around 
the corner!  But, before we sing of His resurrection, before we glory in the Conqueror’s might, let's take a minute 
to walk with His disciples during 
those dark days of uncertainty.  

I’d like to walk with those men and women because I believe that we all have days of uncertainty.  We all have days when we wonder what tomorrow will bring.  We all wonder, at some time or another, if tomorrow will even come, don’t we?

Can you imagine the disappointment? 
Can you feel the aching pain?
Their leader is dead.  
Their hope was in vain.

Those hopes seemed to vanish, eclipsed by the roar 
of the thunder within, and the words “nevermore.”

Their plans for tomorrow were lost in the storm 
of the evil before them, 
in the winds of despair.
They questioned, “God, why, and God how could it be
that Jesus, our Savior, is no longer there?”

As we walk with the people who walked with our Lord, 
we can feel in our hearts the despair they endured.

On the other side of the cross, on the other side of the empty tomb, we can only scarcely imagine what they might have felt.  We can’t really walk in their shoes because now we know the rest of the story.  They told us! And in their words we  find our solid hope.  

I, for one, wish His friends hadn’t been required to walk that path,  But I’m so grateful that they were finally able to touch the scars and hear His voice, and know that He was truly alive after all.

May you live in hope as you consider the joy that was just around the corner for those disciples.

From my heart, Diane



  1. If we walk with the people who walked with our Lord, may we somehow express to our loved ones the joy we will one day experience. I need help with that. I pray for my Gods help.

  2. I signed off too soon. Sis, you &. Ron have a blessed Easter with your family, as will I.


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