Tuesday, April 23, 2024

He Caught Me.

Dear Friends, this is something I wrote quite a few years ago, but sometimes, even in our old age, we continue to feel that we're on a carousel.

Sometimes feelings of inadequacy, and of regrets for the times we've hurt others continue to dwell in our thoughts.  But, I want each of us all to remember the very last line of this poem.  He said, "I caught you my child, when I died."  

Jesus is still all powerful.  He is the one who cares. He cares so much that He died on a cross and took all of those sins, regrets, and hurts on His body.  He caught us when He died and rose again, and He continues each day to hold us tight!

“Catch me God,” I cry
from this carousel I’m on." 
The nights and the seasons, stampeding, go by.
Dark pains and dark pleasures about me all fly, 
and I cry, 

“Catch me please, God – before I die.”

“Catch me God,” I cry,
as the black in my heart edges in.
My life and my actions increasingly grey - 
the good and the perfect are further away,
and I cry,

“Catch me please God – before I die.”

“Catch me God,” I cry,
The carousel mirror cries back at me
It tells of a life full of sin beyond measure -
a self-centered life hurting those I should treasure
and I cry,

“Catch me please God – before I die.”

At once, the carousel is still.
My world has crashed.
I’ve lost the will 
to run,
I've lost the strength to hide. 
And no excuses will abide 
since the mirror has shown me what’s inside.

Then I found that

playing the game of catch-me-if-you-can
is not something our Father will do.
I had to stop running, reach out,  
take His hand. 
and listen to Him - then I knew

that He was there all along seeing my plight.
He answered each time I prayed in the night.
He hurt when I hurt and He said when I cried

“I caught you my child, -- 
when I died.”

Diane Gruchow


  1. Love this one,thank you my friend

  2. Read it to Stan and he replied “that is beautiful “. Can’t wait to see you in May.❤️❤️


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