Sunday, August 4, 2024

God of the Small Things


Do you not know?  Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.  
Isaiah 40:28 (NIV) 

When I look at our Mighty, Awesome God of Power. who made the amazing universe – God who created the unnumbered stars, the roaring thunder, the mighty wind and weather, and the limitless space.

I wonder

I wonder, Father, do you care about the small things?  I think that my everyday life is such a small thing compared to all your mighty works.  My movements, in and out of this, my place of prayer – do you care about them?

If I think about it, do I take for granted the fact that, when I wake in the morning, I do! 

(I wake in the morning.)  

Each part of this body that slept, at least part of the night, begins to do what our maker designed it to do.  Is that a small thing?

Many small things make up life.  But are they small?

The day begins, and so many small things amaze me.  I look out the kitchen window and see grass and trees.  I see the dew on the ground.  I see little, tiny wrens picking at pieces of something they find on the ground.  Oh, they are so precious, sashaying around, not strutting as if they were proud of themselves, but still letting every inch of creation know that the creator thinks they are special.

 I turn on the TV.  I like to watch a Tim Janis video as I arrange my thoughts to meet my Father.  The videos highlight God’s creation in glorious color.  As you look at waterfalls, trees, flowers, mountains, animals and abundant birds, you hear beautiful old hymns voicing the love and care of our Father, the maker of these glories.

Small thing – ordinary thing – no!  Just what I needed today to focus on the maker of this small life I’m living.  This was just what I needed to focus on Him and not on myself.

Later, an email comes in from a person who “just happened to think about me” on a day I felt forgotten.

Small thing – no! Just what I needed today to focus on God’s love and care for his people.

I see a picture of one person worshipping God in a foreign country.

Small thing?  No!

Not small or ordinary.  We need to see the truth that we’re not alone in this battle.  Many of God’s children care as well.  


As for our lives today, we are in the process of moving from our home to a smaller place.  When we moved to Indiana about 4 years ago, we wanted a place in which we could breathe.  After being in our mountains for about 30 years, moving to a city was a bit difficult.  We’ve enjoyed the large beautiful green lawn, the flowers and the garden, but it’s gotten a little hard to keep in the shape we believe this home and neighborhood deserve.  And of course our bodies, though made by our God, begin to get a bit tired after 80 plus years.

We’re excited for the move, and still a little disappointed that we have to leave this home that we’ve grown to love.   There’s an amazing story to that.  When we bought this home 3 ½ years ago, the previous owner told us that she had walked through every room praying that the home would be a blessing to us. 

Yes, God was in those small things.

So we move on.  Our place will be smaller – but in all of that, we KNOW that God cares about the small things, and He is always with us.

We pray that we’ll be able to pass on to its new owners the peace that has enveloped us here.  Peace that we believe came about because of the small prayers of that precious lady.

Well, you get the idea.  Arrangements have been made that we could not imagine, with the speed and ease that we didn’t expect.  So we will move on – not far, but well.  

Our God is in all things – the big and the small things.

1 comment:

  1. I pray your move to your new home will be easy. I pray you may easily adjust to your new home . I pray your new home will bring you much joy as time goes by. I pray God will continue to bless you both with happiness and health and much love. I love you both. dh


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