Thursday, October 17, 2024

He is Beyond

In my mind and heart I try to understand and picture God.  What if He is not that picture - then what?  If God is more than that, then what?  

I’ve been reading a book, “The Knowledge of the Holy” by AW Tozer.  This reading has brought many questions to my mind and some answers.  But it did make me think, and thinking is a good thing, right?  So here are a few of my thoughts.  They are not necessarily Mr. Tozer’s conclusions, but they are ideas that came from the “thinking.”  

The first, and probably most exciting thing to me is that, if I reduce God to the attributes I read about in the Scriptures, or to what I personally deduce about Him – All Knowing, All Holy, All Powerful, Always Present, etc., I still cannot see God as I see the things of this world.  I cannot truly know what I want to know about Him, because

He is Beyond my Comprehension

Do you ever try to picture God when you’re praying to Him?  I do, and it doesn’t work.  My mind cannot!

Oh, I can picture Jesus, the Son.  But not really, because I always remember that I’m only picturing His human likeness, not the essence of God in Him. 

If I try to picture the Holy Spirit, that doesn’t work either.  I feel His presence - sometimes, and I hear Him when He speaks to me - sometimes, but still my mind cannot completely know Him.

So God, the Three-in-One, is not anyone or anything that my fragile mind can imagine.  He is Too Much! Too Great!  Too Beyond!
God is Beyond

Beyond the distant side of everything,
not just everything I see
But everything

Beyond the yearning in my heart
not just everything I want or need
But everything

Beyond the worlds that He created
not just everything we touch 
But everything

Beyond the thoughts of greatest minds
not just every word we read or hear
But everything

God is Beyond!

He is more than we can think.  He existed before our minds were created.  God was not created – He is!  He was!  He is Always!

If God is not within the reach of our imaginations, what then?

I will Love Him as He revealed Himself in the Scripture.  I will worship Him because HE IS GOD!  I will worship Him even if I, in my humanity, cannot paint a picture of Him. 

Therefore, I must not reduce Him to anything my mind can conceive, because He is Beyond! 

He is the only True and Living God.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you think. It causes me to do so. These abreviated sentences are the challange from a true poet. Thank you for the challange.


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