Wednesday, December 11, 2024

God's Song of Forgiveness


Floating on the breeze, I hear 
touching, poignant, crystal clear – 
  a song of heavenly majesty
  a message sent from God to me.

The song was born, as God's heart broke 
when His creation sinned.  
He named the song forgiveness.
It would bring us back to Him.

Beating in the heart of God the Holy song began,
purity was coming back to man.

The song, expressing love divine - 
a gift for all the world,
the priceless symphony of hope,
God's holy, triumph song unfurled.

It spun through heaven on starlit beams, 
and came to rest within
the virgin Mary's loving arms
in the town of Bethlehem.

As you listen to God's song this Christmas
may you know that this is true
the Son of God came down to earth
to sing God's song for you.

That song came to earth when God’s Son was born in a stable, in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago.  It is a song of love, of triumph over sin, a song of hope for each of us.  It’s a song of forgiveness.

May you feel the love that comes from the voice and heart of God in this song.  It’s meant for each of you this Christmas.

Love, Diane

Gruchow, D.M.
These my Christmas Dreams
Xulon Press, 2008


  1. Love this,so thankful for his forgiveness❤️❤️❤️

  2. Thank you for sharing. Miss you here in CO


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