Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Dear Friends, 

Lately I've been reading  The Knowledge of The Holy by A W Tozer

This has been a really good start.  The beginning of the book sets in motion thoughts that have been forming in my brain for quite some time.  The main idea of this first portion is that God is beyond.  You may have heard me say those words recently.  But the author has a beautiful way of describing that reality.  His voice is so effortlessly skilled at describing what cannot be described.

Mr. Tozer uses the word “dignity” several times in this chapter.  That some of the ideas (pictures) that we humans might have about God are beneath the dignity of the Most High God.  I was stuck a little at the word, but if I stop to consider what the Bible tells us, and nature tells us, and our inmost thoughts tell us about His Majesty, I cannot complain about the use of that phrase.

I expect one of the most intriguing things to me in Chapter one was the statement about the burden of worshipping a God who requires obedience, love, fnd acceptable worship from every part of me.  And I believe that, if I do not acknowledge this burden, I can never appreciate the sacrifice that God gave to his people in Jesus, my Savior.

To know Him, Oh the Mighty Creator
To know Him, Oh the God From Forever

To love Him
with a yearning to know,
to worship and adore Him, 
in the depths of my soul.

There's a burden to carry 
it's called perfect obedience.
And if I did not know it,
if I could not see the
requirement so heavy 
Jesus carried for me  

if I didn't acknowledge my need  
then you see  
the price paid by Jesus 
would mean nothing to me.

To know Him and all that I owe Him
To love Him 
with all that’s within

My heart cries in worship
this heart stained by sin 
my heart 
in worship
in soul wrenching worship
in unvarnished worship
I kneel once again

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