Saturday, August 28, 2021

They need your help


Dear ones, You may find this poem a little difficult, but there are times when we do feel like the tiny birds who just cry out to God for strength and help - knowing all the while that God cares about each trouble that we face.

When the tiny birds aren’t ready,  fierce winds dry out the sky, and forests burn with angry fire
Who will help the babes to fly?

When peace and safety leave them, and they find no place to lie,
When your children aren’t ready
Who will help the babes to fly?

When the worries circle round them, and ever multiply,
When the way becomes uncertain.
Who will help them asking why?

They cry out!

“Oh God who made us, help us! 
Creator, please come nigh!
You see our plight. You see our turmoil!
You hear us when we cry.
You see us when we struggle, just barely getting by.
You know our heart’s condition.
You hear us asking, why?”

I pray, Dear Father. Help them.
Let your heavenly power surround them.
With wide strong wings lift them high.
Above the winds and trials and troubles,
where thoughts become a web of worries,
God in heaven hear their cry.
God, Oh, Father, help your children, 
when you hear their frightened cry.
Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.  Psalm 63:7 (NIV)

1 comment:

  1. We are those tiny birds...maybe we know that more as we age, and as we have problems we can't manage on our own and wonder why? You do good, Sis!!


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