Sunday, March 6, 2022

He says "Have Faith in Me."

Don't you sometimes wish you had the eyes of a cat and could see in the dark, or the agility of a cat and could land on your feet at the most awkward times?  

There are so many things that God put into His furry creatures - abilities that are amazing and different.  

All of us wander in the dark, and walk along unknown paths.  No person has even the smallest conception of what is waiting for us around the bend. 

There are valleys that loom in our unknowns.  Mountains, rocks and darkness may await us.  There are also beautiful vistas to see, warmth to feel, and pleasure to experience.

Do you wish you knew, wish you could see what lies ahead.  We can't, - it's that simple.

But we CAN know that there is someone who does see, who is watching our steps and cares deeply for us.  Our Father God knows and cares.  The Bible tells us. 

Cast all your anxiety upon Him because He cares for you.  
1 Peter 5:7 

This is something that I hear God saying to me when I cry.

Just for the present moment, God says, "Have faith in Me.
The clouds around you gather, but in those clouds I'll be.
The storms of life assail you and trials round you see,
but for the present moment, my child, have faith in Me.
The darkness may surround you, don’t let it bring you pain
when things don't go as you plan -
I hold the sun and rain.
The cares of life assail you and doubts are running free.
But for the present moment, my child
have faith in Me.
Just give me your tomorrows, the fears and cares of life.
And the worry’s about your loved ones,
your husband, child or wife.
'Cause don't you see my dear one, I care so much for you.
And I care about your loved ones as you could never do.
Those precious ones in your life are my precious ones you see.
So for the present moment, please give them back to Me.
I know at times you worry that you won't have the strength
to walk the road before you, to travel down its length.
But child the road before you is rougher don’t you see
when for the present moment
you don't live faith in Me.
Tomorrow starts this moment.  Its tasks and cares abound
but if you need my help, child, I’m there.  Just look around.
My answer there awaits you, although you cannot see.
So for the present moment
my child, have faith in Me.

By Diane Gruchow rev 2020

1 comment:

  1. Have faith in Me! He says that over & over again, & you pour out your heart to Him. May God hear your prayers, & answer them, Sister of mine. You are loved so much, by Him & by me!


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