Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Curtain - The Veil

The Veil - It was there in the Old Testament Tabernacle

It was there in the Temple where sacrifices were offered, and prayers were said.

It was there – separating common man from the presence of Almighty God.  

Mankind had stepped away from the holy presence of God and decided to be their own gods.  They determined to live their lives apart from Him.  And the separation began.

But the Holy Almighty God knew that this total separation would not work for the good of His people, so He allowed worship in a “veil cloaked” world.

The wonderful Word tells us that when Jesus poured out His life on that cross on the hill, the veil in front of the Holy Place was split.  God did that – a 60 foot tall, 4-inch-thick barrier was split from top to bottom. 

When God split the curtain, the veil, He opened to all believers the opportunity to enter His presence.  He offers us the opportunity to talk to Him – to approach His throne – to pour out our pains and praises to Him - to the only one who can possibly do anything about our world

And we are now given the opportunity to be adopted into His family; to become acknowledged as daughters and sons of the King.  Through the sacrifice of Jesus on that cross, the barriers to a life as children of The King have been destroyed.  God dwells with His people.

God destroyed the barrier between Himself and the people who worshipped Him.

The Veil was torn by the almighty hand - 
the masterful hand of the King.
From the heaven to earth,
From God’s throne to man’s heart,
Came the dawn of a blossoming spring.
It wakened a new life - a life of new joy
As God beaconed us near to His throne.
Since God’s Son loved us so, He was willing to die
And open the door of His home.
Yes, the Veil was torn from by the hand of our King
Giving His life on this earth in our place.
He would pay off the debts of dark sin in our lives
And bring in the “light” of God's grace.
Jesus is the light of the world!

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