Thursday, April 14, 2022

He could have called ten-thousand angels

"The night that Satan thought he had me,
the night he planned his victory,
as his servant Judas kissed me
I walked the road to Calvary."

"The rough arms came,
reached out, and seized me.
My dear friend drew his sword to fight.
Put back your sword, I had to tell him.
It has to be this way tonight."

"Oh don't you think I could withstand them
without your help if I did try.
Oh don't you know ten thousand angels
would be at hand with just a cry."

"But lead me on that way to Calvary.
It's time.  

It's God's appointed hour.
I'll walk along, no need to drag me
for I won't use my heavenly power."

"Oh I could call ten thousand angels
if I wanted to be free.
Oh I could call upon my Father,
but my love won't let that be."

"Oh I could call ten thousand angels, 
but I will not, don't you see?    
 I have come to die in your place. 
 I have come to set you free."

For love of us, He died on that Good Friday.

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