Sunday, April 17, 2022

He is Risen!


Gentle footsteps, slowly walking, stopping not upon the way
Ere the dawning of the sun
gentle footsteps softly come
to the place where Jesus lay.
Gentle footsteps, walking onward, gentle faces sad and gray
toward their master laying dead
wrapped in cloths now stained blood red
in the place where Jesus lay.
Gentle footsteps, gentle ladies, hasten to their master's side
with the task that lay before them
perfumed spices to embalm Him
on they walked and sadly cried.

They walked along and wondered who would roll away the stone.
With the dawning of the sun
gentle footsteps softly come
to the Christ of flesh and bone.
Coming closer, footsteps halted - what is it our eyes betray?
Is the scene that has arisen
just a shadow or a vision?
Has the stone been rolled away?
Gentle footsteps running onward to the tomb that Joseph gave.
As they stopped and looked within
sitting where the Christ had been
was an angel in the cave.
His appearance was like lightening and his clothes a snowy hue.
Then he told them have no fear
He is risen,   He's not here.
Before too long you'll know it's true
Gentle footsteps, still and quiet, listen to the angel's plea.
Quickly go and tell the others.
He has risen, tell his brothers.
He's gone ahead to Galilee.
Gentle footsteps of the women walk away as in a dream.
Is it true -- what the angel's say, or have they taken him away.
And who will believe what we have seen
But they told.
We thank God for those words.

He is Risen!


Diane Gruchow rev 2022

1 comment:

  1. Gentle footsteps cause me to be hushed also until we come to the place where we can shout He is risenv!! Thqnkw, Diane! Superb as usual! Love you, Sis


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