Monday, June 20, 2022

Catch me

Picture an old fashioned carousel.   See the horses spinning in a circle - endlessly.

Hear the music galloping along with a vengeance.  See the mirror in the middle of the carousel reflecting back the chaos of the ride.  A carousel isn't always fun, and this cry came from my heart.

"Catch me God,” I cry.
"Stop this carousel I’m on." 
The days and the seasons, stampeding, go by.
Dark pains and dark pleasures around me, they fly,
and I cry,
“Catch me please God – before I die.”
“Catch me God,” I cry,
as the black in my heart edges in.
My life and my actions increasingly gray -
the good and the perfect are further away,
and I cry
“Catch me please God – before I die.”
“Catch me God,” I cry.
The carousel mirror shows truth to me.
It shows me a life full of sin beyond measure -
a self-centered life hurting those I should treasure
Oh how I cry,
“Catch me please God – before I die.”
And then, the carousel is still.
My world has crashed.
I’ve lost the will
to run,
and running, then to hide,
since the mirror has shown me what’s inside.

When I saw and confessed the guilt 
to my Lord, 
He softened the pain, 
and I heard Him explain
playing the game of catch-if-you-can
is something that He would not do.

I had to stop playing,
reach out,  
take God’s hand.
and follow His heart - then I knew.
He was there all the time seeing my plight. 
He answered each time I prayed in the night.

He hurt when I hurt and He said when I cried,
“I caught you my child, --
on the day my Son died.”

Dear friend, if you are playing that game - please know that life can get better.  It did for me, many years ago when I surrendered my heart to my Father, the God of the universe.

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