Friday, June 3, 2022

God smiled at me today

When you reached out and touched me today God touched me, with the touch of your hand.

In this Covid/Post-Covid/Distanced World, there are so few actual physical touches.  And we miss them, don't we? 

Hugs, pats on the back, hand shakes, all of the friendly, non threatening human touches that are part of family and community.  They are necessary, and I feel deprived when I'm denied them.

But there is another beautiful way that God reaches out to us.  I believe that He smiles when His children offer smiles to His other kids.

We were traveling this week and within only a short time I stopped to record the following smiles from my Father.

  • The airport shuttle driver showed extra concern for me as I stepped into the van.  I was a bit unsteady on my feet but God was smiling at me.

  • A TSA agent took extra care to make sure Ron's belongings were safe - bringing them to me, and suggesting a place to sit.

  • A server in an airport restaurant joked with a couple of old people who were not even dining there.  Her smile put a bit of spark in my tired soul - a smile from my Father.

  • The Starbucks barista brewed fresh hot coffee when she could have just emptied the old pot for our drinks.  She even came out from behind the counter to put them in our hands with a smile.

  • God smiled when he gave us an open airy place to wait for our plane.

  • When He brought to our eyes a book written by Eugene Peterson and the discussion we had about covenants was so specisl.
  • When our special friends welcomed us with faces of love.

  • When the telephone receptionist at the Doctor's office gave me the information I needed to find help with a medical issue  The kindness in her voice for someone she didn't know, shown loud and clear as a smile from God.

  • When the PA at UC Urgent care came out of the office and caught me in the waiting room when we were leaving,  She came to remind me to follow up on the Blood Pressure issue with my home Doctor - just to make sure I didn't forget and her smile came from her heart used by the heart of God.

Many of these smiles could be written off and forgotten.  I don't want to ever forget kindness. 

And when you smile, God's face I see.  
His light awakens joy in me.  
God created us to love each other,
to interact, to be together.  
He created us - community.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is so true, Diane. God has given you the wisdom to make us realize what a smile and kindness can mean.


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