Saturday, December 31, 2022

Is Christmas Over?

Another Christmas has come and gone Let's talk of what we’ve seen. 

      The angels sang of Jesus birth, 
announcing peace to all the earth. 
Shepherds ran to see the son, 
the promised, long awaited one.

We stop to ponder Jesus birth and sing of glorious peace on earth, we praise the baby in the hay and pause to celebrate the day - 
and then we pack it all away.

 The trees and lights and treasures fair, we put the crèche with Jesus there. And for one more year we put away the trappings of that special day. 

But, if we this year instead, take Jesus from his manger bed 
and see the holy life He led,
then watch the Son of God and see Him die upon that cursed tree. 

If we do -
then Christmas might be just the start 
of Jesus living in our hearts. 

Has this season of concentrating on the birth of my Savior made a difference? Tomorrow, when I start to “undecorate” my house, I will not be putting Jesus away for another year. This year, as I looked at Christ’s birth in a different way, I found so much more about God to worship and to love. He will not be living in a box in the attic; he will be living in my heart. 

We read in Galatians 2:20  

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 


  1. Thank you Diane and we're wishing you guys a Blessed New Year!

  2. Beautiful! Thank you and have a blessed new year! 💕💕

  3. I like another season has come and gone. I'm going to try to print it out. Love you, Sis of mine!


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