Thursday, March 23, 2023


Immediately the rooster crowed the second time.
  Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times.” And he broke down and wept.  Mark 14:72 NIV 

Have you ever wept with sorrow for something you said?  Have you ever broken down and cried your heart out - not for something happening to you, but for an instance when you failed a friend?  Maybe they truly needed you to listen to their pain, but you chose to instruct instead, and were the results  devastatingly hurtful to your friend?   You caused their pain and you felt so very, very sorry.

Is there a time you can remember when you failed your Savior.  Did you choose other gods? Did you deny His existence, or did you walk away from His family?  

And then, when you remembered what He's done for you, did you fall on your face in sorrow?

Peter did.  

If you read last week's post, you'll hear Peter promise to never desert Jesus and you'll remember that he broke that promise.  But if we follow the account, we see in Mark's gospel that 

"Peter remembered.....and he broke down and wept."

And I cry

For times I failed my God, my Savior
For times my words have caused Him pain
For times, unthinking, I ignored Him
Or turned my face away in shame.

I cry

For times I said He couldn't love me 
For times I didn't trust His care
For times I counted prayers unanswered
And didn't think my God was there.

I cry

But are my tears like floods of sorrow, 
needing to begin again. 
Does my human heart break open
in surrender 
as I say, "Amen."

Peter remembered.  He cried.  He repented.  But remember always that Jesus forgave.  He forgave Peter and will forgive His children when they ask.


  1. Sometimes what we remember is difficult and we wish we could totally erase it
    That is when we trust our Lord Jesus for His forgiveness.


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