Monday, March 20, 2023

 Jesus was talking to His friends after the Passover dinner as they were walking to the Mount of Olives.  

Jesus told them, 

“This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’”

Then Peter said, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.”

Jesus told him, “This very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.” Matthew 26:31

Peter said never, but yet Peter did.
Peter boasts of strength and yet Peter fled.
We promise, we boast. and then swear instead.
We still fail to stand.
 Our strength lost in dread.

Before we look askance at Peter, let’s look in the mirror.  We may see a picture of the many times we’ve neglected to stand up for our Savior.   Peter really thought he would be strong enough to stand by Jesus’ side facing the might of the leaders and the government, but he wasn’t.  

I wonder if I am strong enough.  I suppose it’s a question we all must ask, and when we do, we also must understand that Jesus understands us. 

Did He disown Peter?  Did He hurl down wrath on Peter and the other disciples who ran away?  We didn’t hear them say those words "I don't know the man." but they did desert Him. 
Did Jesus give up on all of them?  If we continue to read about what happened later, after His resurrection, we see him seeking them out.  It helps us to see how Jesus would react when we let Him down.  He didn't give up on them.  He doesn't give up on us.  He doesn't let us down.  He continues to search for us and show up in our lives as He did for His followers so many years ago.

And what would Peter have seen in Jesus’ face - if he had been able to see the face of his Savior while he sat around that fire; sat there pretending to be someone other than one of Jesus' friends; sat there, swearing that he didn't know Jesus?  

Maybe Peter would have seen a look of sadness, even disappointment, or pain as Jesus heard Peter deny knowing Him.  But I believe those looks at Peter would have always contained love.  And I believe He still looks upon His children, His friends, His followers with love as well, even when we fail Him. 

Jesus said never, and He never will
 forsake His people. 
He loves them all still.
He promised strength.  He offers might
when His people face evil - 
face evil’s dread night.


Jesus will stay with us through evil's dark night.
There's no need to fear.  His love is the light.

Friends please believe Jesus loves and forgives His failing children.

1 comment:

  1. I so need that forgiveness...over and over and over again....


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