Saturday, June 3, 2023

Morning Coffee

I love my morning coffee! 

It isn’t really the caffeine that’s important, although I believe it does help me to rev up this old engine.  My morning cup of coffee is a gift from God.  To me, it’s a soft way of waking up.  

Our Father God knows us, each of us, and He fills the cups of our lives.  Some people want to ease into the day, and others wake up ready to move – we all have different lives, needs and styles, haven’t we?  By the way, I’ve been known to substitute some hot water in the cup, for the coffee – not quite the same, but still a soft way of waking up.

 There are many references to cups in the Bible.  Some of them refer to cups of sorrow, or wrath, or punishment.  But many of them also refer to cups of blessing.  I’d like to talk about those today.

There’s a song that Ron and I heard some time ago – it talks of a cup that is overflowing with God’s blessing.  One of the lines is “I'm drinking from my saucer ‘cause my cup has overflowed.”  

Do you see your cup overflowing?  Jesus promised living water, and He said that this living water would flow - welling up to eternal life.  He said that if we ask Him, if we drink from the water He gives us, we’ll never be thirsty again.  We find that in John 4.

The things that this world holds are not always satisfying.  But things don’t last, do they?  In this world, there are never enough things to fill the cups in our lives – but there’s always enough of God.  He doesn’t hold back His love, His presence, or His promises. 

The earth is filled with God’s love, and He wants to teach us about Himself.  The writer of this Psalm says:

The earth is filled with your love, Lord, teach me your decrees. Psalm 119:64 (NIV)

If we love God and keep close to Him, we will have blessings – overflowing.  Our prayers will yield more joy than our lives - our cups, can hold.

I expect there are days when you wonder where that joy went.  There are days when we don’t feel happy on the surface, but we can have peace knowing that God is in control of whatever is bothering us.  God fills our hearts.  He fills our cups with joy – we just need to decide to drink of God’s love.  

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:16 (NIV) 

So as you begin your day, have a cup of coffee (figuratively, if you must) and picture the living water – that is Jesus.  Picture Him filling you with His presence, with His joy and with His love.  You won’t need the things of the world that don’t last, you’ll have Him!


  1. I have Him!!! I praise Him!

  2. Thank you for this writing (Mom)! I do see my cup overflowing at times, too! It is especially apparent when I open my eyes, ears, and heart to see his fingerprints in all of the things around me. He is (and, throughout my life, has been) so very good to me that I absolutely KNOW that I have been blessed.


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Lord I Believe

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