Wednesday, June 7, 2023



God, Father, Creator, do you know Him?  It's easy for me to believe - to absolutely be assured that there is a God who is mighty and powerful.  It is easy for me to know, really know that this God made the earth, the universe, and that He can do whatever He desires.  

It has always been a little less easy for me to believe that Jesus is God.  I do believe He is God, and I know with my mind, but I sometimes ask myself - why?  Why did Jesus, this second person of the trinity, who I absolutely, assuredly believe in, come to earth as a man?  Why was there not another way? 

This morning my husband and I discussed an old story about a farmer who loved all of God's creatures. 

The winter wind was blowing, snow was beating the wings of the birds.  He knew that the birds needed to get out of the way of this furious snowstorm, so he opened the windows and doors of the barn to give them a safe place to come in out of danger.  

You’d think they would see this as safety, but they didn't.  They didn't understand that on the other side of those openings they would be protected. The man called to them, made "birdlike" noises for them, and even stayed out of sight so they would feel safe coming in.  But they didn't.

The man wished he could become a bird and lead them in, but he could not.

Is that the "Why"?  Did God become man to lead us to safety because we would not understand when He called us?

He became man - to come into our world, to die and rise again and pay the price for our sins and give us life everlasting.  Would we have understood if He had chosen another way?  

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