Friday, September 29, 2023

Becoming Every Day

I've often described myself as a "loved and forgiven child of God."  A week or so ago as I was talking to a dear family member, I stressed that I was a "flawed" and forgiven child of God.

Although that sounds, "surface good," it's good only as long as I will remember the forgiven part. I can then accept that I am no longer in the "flawed" catagory.  Jesus' death on the cross erased that part of my identity.  He made me clean and new.

Jesus' sacrifice for us changed our identity, but we can still keep on "becoming" - becoming more like Him.  Oh yes, we still struggle with the opportunity to mess up and mar the beautiful work that Jesus did when He died for us.  But we can still become examples, as dearly loved children of the King.  

Children, when they are asked what they  want to be, or to do when they grow up, may give grandious answers.  Possibly, they may plan on "becoming" an astronaut, the president, superman, or even like mom or dad.  

While they plan on "becoming" something special, they don't always know that they already are.  The innocence of that is so beautiful.  

And, as we grow and age, sometimes we forget that we can
still keep on "becoming."

May I greet each morning in a way
that I don't mar the beauty
of my Savior's sacrifice 
of love.

But, may I then remember it's ok 
to "keep becoming" as I pray,
 "becoming " every day
 more like my Father, 
God above.

No matter where I am in life, I still want to strive to "keep becoming."


  1. He paid it all for us. It's mind boggling to think about this sacrifice for so many to eternity and the true value of forgiveness to make us completely clean - to the point where we are worthy to sit at His table. We are truly blessed abundantly each and every day. Thank you for your fresh words on "becoming"!
    (btw: you probably know who is making this comment, right?)

  2. This is good. That early morning struggle mostly lasts all day long. Some times I feel good about how the morning starts, sometimes not, but worse, sometimes I don't even think about it....forgive me God. dh


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