Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Veil is Thinnng

Do you ever notice as the rain falls from on high
how it tends to touch your heart or makes you want to sigh?
Do you ever stop and think,
 and sadly wonder 

Could it be that you see God’s own tears within the sigh?
Tears full of love
Tears full of pride
But tears filled with pain,
you’re dissatisfied.
So when you feel the rain, the wetness on your face,
maybe you will wonder if it’s from another place.

Has the veil between your world and heaven perfect land
begun to thin,
as you begin
 to touch the Father’s hand?
God touches your heart in those “thin veil” ways, in the voice of a violin, the moon’s subtle rays.
The scent
 that sweet perfume sends out in that hour
God’s comfort and peace from the heart of a flower.
Has the veil between your world and heaven’s perfect land
 begun to thin
as you begin
to feel your Father’s hand?

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