Thursday, November 21, 2024

We can Choose

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.
My Father will love them, and we will come to them
and make our home with them. 
Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching.
These words you hear are not my own;
they belong to the Father who sent me.
John 14:23-24 (NIV) 

We can choose

To listen to God, to obey Him, to love and pay
attention to His voice, or …  

We can choose to let the world’s voice control us.

I do want to give God the reins of my thoughts, my emotions and my actions - to let His word control my life.  But it’s a constant battle - choosing to listen to His Spirit rather than the voices around me.   

As I listen to the noise of the world, I sometimes wonder whether anyone is really choosing, or if we are just being swept along by the tide of our culture.  And I wonder how much of the time I’m being led by something other than the Word of God.

It doesn’t come easy, and it’s not a given, that if I believe in Jesus, the Son of God, I will automatically live within His direction.  I must still choose.

As a Christian, I believe that the Bible is God’s letter to the world, and I specifically know that the words in that Book are applicable to my life as a child of His.  So I will choose to trust that God has directed the words written there.

God does not change, and God does not need to be taught by people in our time who want to change His word to suit their own desires.  What He has said in this Bible will forever stand. 

We are all made in His image, and in that, we are made so that we can choose.  And what we continue to choose determines who we are - whose children we are – the Children of God, or children of Satan.  We cannot just go our own way and think that God will bless our lives – it doesn’t work like that.  We must choose His directions on this path of life.

So we can choose.

When the world says it’s right to dishonor God’s word - 
when I’m told that God changed what He's always called sin.
I can choose to believe the words of false prophets,
or believe what God said.  
I can choose to trust Him.
I can choose to remember that I can’t control
what others believe or how blinded they’ve been.
I can choose to remember that God is 
“The Word.” 
He is trustworthy and true 
and today I can choose 
to believe only Him.

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