Wednesday, December 22, 2021

A Whole Different Kind

When God sent His Son to be born on the earth, 
In Bethlehem town, the place of His birth - 
He didn't have opulent beauty in mind
He planned for Christ's birthplace a whole different kind.

Picture the colors - not gold or pure white;
picture instead the black of the night, 
black where old fires left dark stains on the wall 
a place for the sheep, a manger and stall.
The drab and the brown of the dirt all around, 
see the droppings of animals there on the ground.
Not a beautiful picture it seems you would see, 
but if you look closer 

it truly will be.

For it’s not in surroundings that beauty abounds,
it's not in the use of the place it is found,
not having clean walls, or fresh rugs on the floor,
nor bright colors, fresh linens, or a wreath on the door.

True beauty we see in an unsightly place
when we look on that innocent sweet baby’s face.
Because beauty is love, God’s love for each one   
given to us with the birth of his Son. 

May you have a beautiful Christmas and a beautiful life because He loves you!

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