Saturday, December 18, 2021

God Uses People

Shepherds and women, old men and wise, Mary and Joseph with their own eyes, met the promise of ages – the Father’s delight, a promise fulfilled on this wondrous night.

Shepherds came quickly to see where He lie
when God’s royal heralds brightened the sky.
Then on the eighth day Simeon held God’s own son
and he praised God on high cause the promise had come.

Wise men in humility brought gifts we are told.
But there’s something I’ve noticed
– a picture so bold.
Yes, God used his miraculous almighty power,
but He also used people to point to this hour
He uses us now:
When our voices we raise his praises to sing,
When on our knees we bow down with the shepherds and kings,
When our gifts for his work, with humility place,
And we speak hope and joy to the whole human race.
What do you think about People? 
Sometimes we have this warm feeling in our hearts for “mankind”, and sometimes definitely not.  Or maybe you aren’t like me, and you love people in general – the ones we know and the ones we don’t know - all the time.  Jesus told us to love God and love each other.  Many times, we qualify the “each other” to include just the people we relate to.  But Jesus said to love the ones He loves and that isn’t always easy. 

But God will use us! 

Consider the people in the Christmas story. How different they were – We had kings and shepherds, the old and the young, all being used by God to work His plan as He brought Jesus to earth.  What does that tell us?  It tells me that there is NO ONE God cannot or will not use to do His will.  We are needed!  We are worthwhile!  We are God’s workmanship. 

If sometimes you don’t feel like God can use you, please remember

Ephesians 2:10 (NASV) For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

So, as I think about Christmas and the beautiful story of the manger in Bethlehem, I think about the people who were there to help and do, and worship at his bed. I thank God for them, and I thank God for you.

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