Wednesday, December 15, 2021


 My friends,

Do you ever have days when you feel you don't connect with the world?  I do.  Do you have days when you truly do not notice the  needs and feelings of others.  I'm sorry to say, I do, even at Christmas time.

I read a story this morning about a mother who was not connecting either.  She didn't see what was right in front of her.  Someone was trying hard to catch her attention.  That someone was a scruffy, tattered old man, but she was so concerned with her image and her life that she chose not to notice the stranger.  She chose not to see that person who was so much in need of attention and affection.  

Maybe as we walk though our lives there are people we see, but we really don't notice. 

As it turns out, the writer tells us that the woman's small toddler did notice, and He opened his little pudgy arms to that stranger.  The mom was forced to notice, and to respond to this man's need for a little kindness.

God was not forced to notice our need for affection and kindness, in fact He is the source of affection - the source of all that is kind and good.  And He sent that love in the package of a tiny baby with pudgy arms as well.  That baby, God's Son, Jesus continues to reach out to everyone who is in need of acceptance, of love and kindness.  

Jesus was born on earth to reach out in closeness to us.  He was born as a man and He knew our feelings as a real human person.  He cared - because He knew.  And He knew because He cared.

To touch a life we have to care.
We have to see the needs are there,
and open both our heart and eyes
and listen to their anxious cries.

To help someone along the way, 
to lift him up this Christmas day
Remember Jesus born that night 
because He came to set things right.

And hand in hand with Him you'll dare
to touch that life, to help and care.

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