Friday, December 10, 2021

Christmas 2021 Immanuel

The Christmas Child, Immanuel!
The King!  
     The Great I AM!

Who left the glory of His throne,and came to earth to lead us home.

Holy Child, Immanuel, You came to save the lost.
As human Child and God Divine
You came to trade your life for mine,
But Oh! How great the cost!

In the beginning God created this world of ours.  He placed man in a garden home full of goodness, where every creature lived in harmony and peace.

 The time came however, when man chose to disregard the one rule that God had given him, and the diamond of peace, pure as it was, shattered. 

The unthinkable had happened.  Nothing man could do would put the shattered diamond back together.  

Man could not – but God could.

Since God is perfect, only perfection could put those pieces back together again, and the perfect Son of God would pay the price.  Death was the price that this Christmas Child would pay – His death instead of yours and mine.  

The plan was made.  And when the fullness of time had come, Immanuel was brought to earth to be placed in a drab stable and held in the arms of a woman.  God would dwell with us.  He would live on this earth, constrained in the body of a man.  God would be with us, as His name “Immanuel” signifies.  He would walk in our world and would demonstrate True Love. 

Isaiah 7:14 (ESV)Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign.  Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. (which means "God with us")

The healing had begun.  

He is with us!

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