Thursday, December 2, 2021

Christmas 2021 Why? His Love!


We asked a question yesterday - Why?  Why do we celebrate the birth of Jesus?  Maybe it's because God loves us so much.

God loves us with the love of a perfect Father.  

Picture the pain that you and I have brought into the lives and hearts of those people who love us.  (Because pain is always worse when it's brought on by people you love.)  And when I think about that, knowing how much the holiness of God overshadows what love human relationships portray, I'm so amazed and humbled at His love and forgiveness for me.  And what He was willing to do to mend that bond between us.

Could we ever know the Father's heart,
His love,
His grief,
His pride,
as Jesus left His heavenly home, to live here at man’s side?
He wouldn’t be gone in heavens vast time, 
more than the wink of an eye.
But God Knew what would happen during that time,
and He and His Son both knew why.
The void left in heaven when the Son came to earth
was felt by the angels on high.
But the Father and Son knew what had to be done.
He would be born,
live and love,
and then die.
But with grief comes great joy when the cause is divine,
just as birth is preceded by pain.
Christ would leave for a time
and be born as a child,
to bring back God’s children again.
There was work to be done,
a price to be paid.
Our sin took us far from God’s way.
God knew there was one way to bring mankind back
And God knew the price,
would pay.
Could we ever know the Father’s heart,
His love,
His grief,
His pride,
When Jesus left His heavenly home, to live here at man’s side?

From "These my Christmas Dreams," 
by Diane Gruchow Published 2008
Xulon Press

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