Saturday, December 4, 2021

Christmas 2021 He is Truth

 For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord  Luke 2:11 (KJV)

In this world of broken promises, and "truths" that are not real,
in this world of broken people, and pains that have not healed,
seeking folks can find the Truth, God promised and fulfilled.
The Truth was born an infant child, 
The Christ, The Truth revealed.

God gave a promise long ago,
repeated oft so we could know.
The Savior would be born one day
to live, and love and be The Way.
The one God’s prophets said we’d find,
Jesus, the Savior of mankind. 
    To this world of broken promises, and "truths" that were not real
    and broken people, hurting people, pains that would not heal,
    God sent the only one who could
     provide for us the way
    to the life of healing, joy and peace

    God planned for us today

    The Life
    The Truth
    The Way.

    Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  John 14:6 (NIV)

    Jesus doesn't say, I'm providing a way or I'm telling you the truth, He Said, He is the way, and the truth.  

    Our world tells us that we can make our own truth, or we can find our own way.  But if we depend on ourselves alone, it's not enough.  

    God has given us the answer to all our needs.  The answer is the fact that He has promised to be with us.  He was called Immanuel, Jesus, God with us.  He came and He IS!

    God bless you on this December day.

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