Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Christmas 2021 - Joy To The World


"Joy to the world!  The Lord is come
Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing."

Joy is one of the most common words used in Christmas cards.  It's also one of the most common feelings we express when we're happy.
But where does that feeling, that word, come from?

Joy comes from God to our hearts and our minds.
It’s not something we search for and so seldom find.
When you wake up each morning and begin every day
by counting your blessings and kneeling to pray,
and giving up thoughts that breed discontent,
and accepting what comes, it's a gift – heaven sent.
That joy comes from God, it’s born deep in his love.
It’s rained down from heaven, it’s sent from above.
We find joy in this morning when we look for God’s face.
We find joy in His love, His compassion and grace.
And we find joy when we see that He came to this earth
long ago, as a baby,
 we sing JOY! at His birth.
We sing joy since He loved us enough that He gave
the splendor of heaven for a crib in a cave.
As the King of all realms left his throne room on high,
left heaven for earth, and came here to die
for love of God’s children,
He was born as a boy,
leaving splendor and might to bring mankind HIS JOY!

By Diane Gruchow Dec 8, 2021

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