Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Christmas 2021 - The Fortress

Many years ago a king named Herod built several fortresses for defense from his enemies.  One of those he named “The Herodium” after himself.  This vast fortress complex could be seen for miles.  The great buildings sat on the flattened top of a hill about 400 feet above the countryside.  Looking down from this fortress to the west, Herod would see the hills of Judea, including the town of Bethlehem only about 4 miles away.  

That fabulous fortress and palace sits in ruins today.  It still bears the stamp of the one they called “King Herod the Great.”

But now the fortress is gone, 
and Herod is no more.

In the shadow of the fortress which stands atop a mound
comes a cry out of the darkness,
“A resting place is found!”

In that shadow, see the woman,
weary, waiting for the birth
of the promised gift from heaven
sent to all the sons of earth.

Dark the shadow, dark the fortress -
Herod’s shelter from his foe.
Dark and death will soon be conquered.
Woman’s child will strike the blow.

In the shadow of the fortress, 
in a stable ‘neath the inn
lies the mighty King Of Heaven in a human baby’s skin.

Then in the dark, a song surrounds us.
Heaven’s chorus fills the night,
heralding The Son! Messiah! who is born to set things right.

Gone the shadow, gone the fortress, 
nothing left but dirt and stone.
But the babe born in its shadow
sits forever on His throne.

Jesus is the King.  
He sits on the right hand of The Father.  
He is on His throne forever.

by Diane Gruchow Published 2013

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