Thursday, December 9, 2021

Christmas 2021 - He is The Light

I sat 
one late night wondering, 
"What was in God's mind
when He sent His Son 
to live on earth, 
and leave His throne behind?"
As I sat that night a-wondering.  
The strangest thing occurred.  
The lights went out, t’was awfully dark, 
and not a sound I heard.

The darkness seemed oppressive, so total was the gloom.
No stars to see, no light for me,
and blackness veiled the moon.

As I sat alone and waited there, for lights again to shine,
I asked again that question,
“What was in God’s mind?”

What if this world would always be as black as this dark night?
What if to stumble in our sin would ever be our plight, 
and sin without forgiveness then, would take away our sight?

These words came racing through my mind, 

“Christ said He was the light!”

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, 
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12 (NIV)

I questioned this, there in the dark, “I am The Light,” Christ said.
But how did that describe the baby sleeping in that manger bed?

And then - so clearly echo'd there – 
a phrase heard long ago
"Christ came to earth that Christmas night
so that the world would know
what God is like, 
and the love He feels 
for stumblers in the night.
‘cause in this dark world we’d stumble yet, 
if He’d not been “The Light.”

That baby born in Bethlehem was sent to set things right.
The baby pushed the dark away.

Christ Jesus is The Light!

What does Christmas mean to me?  I asked myself one day – My answer now is simply this, “Christ came to LIGHT THE WAY.”  

From "These my Christmas Dreams,"
by Diane Gruchow Published 2008 Xulon Press 
Rev Dec 2021


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