Sunday, December 5, 2021


Christmas Feelings!

Excitement!  Joy!  Uncertainty.  Weariness. Frustration.  Worry.  FEAR.

It's likely that all of these feelings may invade your heart at some time in the weeks before Christmas this year.  And I also expect that many of them were evident in the hearts of the people involved when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. 

Let’s imagine what Mary and Joseph may have felt.  I wonder if, as  …. 

                  They walked down the highway to the city of kings 
wondering what trials
this journey would hold.
They were weary.  They were worried, for she carried God’s Son.
Was there rest at the end of the road? 

As the night cooled the hillside,
and the turning of time
pulled the curtain of dusk on the day,
they rested a moment as they pondered their plight,
for they needed a warm place to stay. 

Moving again
down that highway
crowds of people passed by,
people rushing to the city we’re told.
People weary,
people worried,
people burdened with care,
wanted rest at the end of the road.

Then the stars in their glory
shown from heaven’s black sky.
Mary felt God's voice clear and pure,

      “Fear not – I am with you, for you carry my child.
      There’ll be rest when your journey is o'er."

      Loved ones, are you weary?

      Are you tired of the searching for this earthly life’s silver and gold?
      Are you burdened with worries?
      Have you been disappointed by people you’ve loved,
      or burdened by what you’ve been sold? 

      Just know that God loves you.
      He’ll be there on your journey.
      If you hand Him your burdens, and tell Him your troubles
      he’ll give you rest at the end of the road.

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